Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Campbell Williams Home

The hallway to this house
Harbors tales that should be told
Only go there
If you are brave and bold.

Answer:  The Campbell Williams Home

The Campbell Williams Home was built in 1890 adjacent to the Santa Fe depot. The original owners were Solon and Susie Gary Campbell. Because of its location near the depot, corpses shipped to Montgomery were often put in the hallway while awaiting burial. It is about half a block from the Old Montgomery Cemetery. The house looks a little as if it might be haunted.  According to Gary at Jim's Hardware, if you visit at night you might hear voices and also see a light turn on in the house - very strange as there is no electricity in this house.  It's scary enough during the daytime - I won't be going back at night!!

The Campbell Williams Home - SPOOKY!  Don't worry...I'm not getting ANY CLOSER!!

Haunted?  I'm not about to stay any longer to find out!!!

While I was here I heard something in the trees and bushes. At first I thought it might have been Gus. Well, all I can say is that I was scared. But it was just a bunch of squirells. I guess this house spooked our Gus-man, too because he high-tailed it out of here.  The lady at the bank across the street has the next riddle so off we go!!