Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Chilton House

This house is where the robbers fled
When they were caught, they all were dead
Tell us names that play a part
And the cemetery that would start.

Answer:  The Chilton House

This house is located at 709 College Street.  Reverend Thomas Chilton owned this house until he passed in 1854.  David Dean purchased the house in the 1880's and built a picket fence around the property using the heart pine cut at his mill.

On December 28, 1868 some members of the Jesse James gang came into town and started a shoot out.  Bob Oliver, a member of the gang, stole a horse from the Cartwrights.  The Cartwrights followed him to the Chilton-Dean house where his mom was staying and promised him they would not shoot if he came out.  The boys instead stabbed him with a Bowie knife.  Oliver ran back in the house and died under a bed.

All four members of the Jesse James gang were dead when it was over.  They were not permitted to be buried in the town cemetery   The New Montgomery Cemetery was started.  It is here that the members of the Jesse James gang are laid to rest.

The Chilton House

This home was just down the street from the Parsonage so Gus couldn't have gone too far! We've received another riddle - let's see where Gus takes us next!